Avoiding counterfeits online: Fake websites and counterfeit products on online marketplaces
One way to be completely sure you haven’t bought a counterfeit machine is to buy directly from Dyson, either through our website or one of our Dyson Demo Stores, or an authorised retail partner. Buying directly from Dyson will not only protect you against counterfeit products but you will also benefit from our warranty (guarantee if GB), free scheduled delivery and dedicated customer support.
Counterfeit dealers sell their products through fake websites:
Fake websites are typically promoted through adverts on social media, such as Instagram or Facebook. Often they’ll include a link directly to a fake website. To convince consumers that they are authorised retail partners and to buy from them, they will try to make their website look official, by using official Dyson imagery and videos, as well as imitating Dyson language and they will offer a discount on the prices offered by Dyson. Fake website often include no contact details (or incomplete details) for the website owner.
Official Dyson adverts on social media will redirect you to Dyson.com or the website of an authorised retail partner, allowing you to buy Dyson technology through an official website.
Counterfeit dealers also sell their products through online marketplaces:
Genuine products are sold by Dyson on some online marketplaces (which varies from country to country), however where Dyson is not the seller, buying from online marketplaces gives you little opportunity to assess whether the product on sale is genuine. If you find that a product you have purchased is counterfeit, you may find it difficult to get your money back. Please contact the Dyson Customer Care team and we will do what we can to help you.
Counterfeit dealers will try to convince consumers that they are selling genuine Dyson products by:
- Not using images of the product they are actually selling (and hiding behind official Dyson imagery)
- Offering a discount on the prices offered by Dyson (but sometimes not low enough to raise suspicion)
- Claiming that they are selling “original” “authentic” or “genuine” products
- Claiming that the product is genuine because it can be registered on Dyson’s website.
Beware – if a deal seems too good to be true, it usually is.